Setsuna F Seie The First Human Innovator

>> Friday, March 6, 2009

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris

For Gundam OO lovers will get a surprize.Gundam OO Season 2 episode 21 Setsuna has changed to The First Human Innovator.Saji Crossroad is the first to see changes Setsuna, and the first to see the shining eyes that have been   trademark owned by innovator.In this episode will be revealed little intention of Aeolia Schanberg,why he create a GN Drive.In this episode would be shown the game between Regina and Ribbons.To be sure the world will change once again? Calestial Being or Innovator? Setsuna or Ribbons? Who will win it? Wait the next episode for sure.


Words Glance


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